Fairness Fighters


"Fairness is desired by many, fought for by few...


We Ask...

All members follow the "Zone" Code of Conduct...

Remember, that you are representing the Club as a whole, and your actions speak for us all...





As of  December 31, 2000 you have to be sponsered by

TWO members, and on a 30 day trial basis.



ANY misbehavior that warrents a warning by the committee, will stand as that.

IF you are brought up the SECOND time for ANY reason, you are OUT.

~ Read ALL Zone COC and FF rules carefully.
~ Read ALL Tourney rules prior to play. Not all hosts enforce the same rules.
~ Cheating will NOT be tolerated, and no accusing others of cheating without proof.
~ Be considerate to other team members, Hosts and "Tokens" at all times.
~ Please refrain from using profanity or sexually explicit language.
~ Please refrain from using racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs.
~ NO fighting or engaging in personal attacks.



We ask that if you have a problem... ANY problem,

discuss it with the committee.


Your committee will then decide, with you, the proper channels in which to filter the problem.

If a "Vote" has to be made, Fairness_One will be the deciding factor to make or break the vote.


E-mail protocol

*PLEASE NO MASS E-MAILS to the whole club*

Tempest has created a mail account for Members ONLY. When you see mail from this account, PLEASE READ, it will pertain to important club news.

If you are not recieving this mail, contact Tempest with your correct addy.


Message Board

We have a message board, that posts everyday things that are happening within the club,

Please review daily, as this is where important information is located. Please feel free to respond to any postings... or post your owm messages!


Target for 2001

Lets make the Fairness Fighters the BEST club on the ZONE,

with the reputation of  FAIR, FRIENDLY & HONEST play...





Members Gallery
Tourney & Club Directory
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